We were laying in the Surrey Dock one day,
the mate knew that it was time to get under way
Stormy weather boys, stormy weather boys when the wind blows our barge will go
He's homeward bound but he's out of luck
'Cause the skippers's half drunk in the Dog and Duck - Stormy...
Now the skipper came aboard with a girl on his arm,
He's gonna give up barging and take a farm - Stormy....
At last we're away down limehouse reach,
When the leeboard knocks on Greenwich beach - Stormy ..
Well the mate ran for'rad and the cook fell in the dock
The skipper caught his kna..(fingers?) in the mainsheet block - Stormy weather..
Now the mates at the wheel and he's gybed her twice
Cos the skippers got his kna..(fingers?) in a bowl of ice
Stormy weather...
But the barge went ashore and scared our wh..(girl?)
She said chuck this I'm off ashore - Stormy weather...
Well we shoved her off and she sailed like heck
But there ain't no bargeman up on deck - Stormy...
With a crash and a bump and she's ashore
The mate says cripes we're on the Nore - Stormy...
Well we shoved her off and away we go
Skipper's got a bottle of beer below - Stormy weather...
On the top of the tide our barge did fleet
When the mate saw a ghost on the topsail sheet -Stormy weather...
Well we all ran below and the ghost did steer
And the cook drank the dregs of the old mans beer Stormy weather...
Up jumped a mermaid covered in slime
We took her down the fo'csle and had a good time Stormy weather...
Up jumped another one covered in sh..(mud?)
The mate says cripes there's the Whittaker spit - Stormy weather...
We lay close hauled off Orfordness
When the wind backed round to the SSW - Stormy...
So we reached our port all safe and sound
And tied her up in Yarmouth town - Stormy weather...
So after all our fears and alarms
We all ended up in the Druids Arms - Stormy...